Inception: Nanodroplets Within a Nanodroplet
Maksymilian Nowak (Graduate Student), Stephan KraemerLab:
Helgeson Lab, Mitragotri LabDescription
Pictured here are nanodroplets of oil (some of which are highlighted in orange on the right) suspended in a larger nanodroplet of polymer and water, and subsequently flash frozen for imaging. Image was captured using cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy (cryo-TEM). Droplets are made by emulsifying silicone oil in a polymer and water solution, then subsequently emulsifying the entire solution in cyclohexane. This multiple emulsion solution is then placed under ultraviolet light so the water and polymer phase polymerizes to become a hydrogel. These particles are then washed and resuspended in water, then flash frozen in liquid ethane prior to imaging.