All current UCSB undergraduate, graduate students and post-docs are eligible to submit pieces for the competition.
All photograph and image submissions should be original pieces of work based on original research projects conducted while in residence at UCSB or in affiliation with UCSB. Submissions are limited to one image per contestant. Multiple students/researchers may submit one image as a team submission.
*If you would like to submit a piece of work other than an image for consideration, please contact the program organizers*
Images may be obtained by any imaging technique, or may be the result of modeling and simulation, or can be obtained by combining multiple images into one artistic image. Photographs may be of instrumentation, apparati, devices or other objects used in your scientific investigation. Images may be modified to enhance their aesthetic.
We also encourage submissions of thoughtful, innovative, and artistic visual data stories such as infographics capable of effectively and aesthetically communicating research through visual narratives. Data visualizations should be submitted as one-pager static images, accompanied by a title and a capture with a short description of the research project along with their underlying data source(s).
NOTE! Please include the submitter's last name in the file you are uploading. Example: "filename-lastname.jpg"
I affirm that I am the creator of the work described above, and that I possess full copyright ownership, or that I am one of several creators and that I am acting with the consent of others. I grant The Art of Science organizers permission to display the work in The Art of Science exhibitions and online gallery, and to use it for other promotional purposes related to the contest / program.
Submission Form
Opens: February 1, 2024Deadline: April 14, 2024
Winning entries will be exhibited at the UCSB Library.
First, Second, Third, Best Caption, Best Data Visualization, and “People’s Choice” awarded prizes.
Winning pieces will be selected by a committee of judges with a separate prize awarded based on a community vote.