Stop and smell the roses
"Pictured here is the cross-sectional electric field intensity of several magnetic multipole modes inside a spherical drop of water. The plots were generated using Mathematica and the Mie Theory equations for the internal field in a spherical particle due to an incident plane wave. The equations are complex, involving spherical harmonics and Bessel functions, but the results are rather enchanting. As the multipole mode order increases, the null region of the field intensity moves outwards, resembling a rose in bloom. This image, like this competition, serves as a reminder for us to constantly be aware of and seek out beauty in our everyday existences. As golfer Walter Hagen once said, "Don't hurry, don't worry, you're only here for a short visit, so be sure to smell the flowers along the way."
Credit goes to labmate Prasad Iyer for noticing the flower-like beauty in these images."