Augmented Reality Environment through Eye
Image captured through a mannequin head fitted with a small camera in its left eye socket to show what the user sees through the AR glasses. The image shows projected augmented reality world looks through the stereoscopic and monochromatic laser-based virtual retinal display (VRD).
An AR environment in Kirby Crossing is designed to conduct a wide-area outdoor AR user study that compares user walking and search behavior in daylight and lamplight. Participants searched for and classified specific virtual objects in an augmented outdoor courtyard scene populated with physical and virtual objects.
There are tools that capture AR experience through post-processing and superimposing to demonstrate how it looks on the user's field of view (FOV), which may generate a cleaner image.
But I wanted to share how the projected augmented reality world looks through the stereoscopic and monochromatic laser-based virtual retinal display (VRD) seen through our eyes.